A toddler shows her beauty without a smile
Love Has No Borders, slogan for International Introductions Latin marriage agency

Danica Alejandra


Mom and her two year old daughter kissing in front of a waterfall
Discover The Love You Deserve

Sleeping two year old beauty
Toddler swings happily on a hammock
A toddler sweaty from playing in the playground
Halloween joy from a beautiful little girl enjoying her decorations

Niña colombiana con una gran sonrisa

Niña colombo americana vestida de negro inclinada oliendo una flor
Niña colombo amer yficana con un vestido de baño rojo y amarillo, corriendo por la playa
Hermosa y feliz niña rubia colombiana vestida con una camiseta azul colorida y gorra de carnaval
Niña colombo americana con camiseta negra, pantalones y gorro rosados, y un collar