International Introductions

Individual Introductions in Barranquilla, Colombia

If you prefer, we can set you up with selected introductions one Latin lady at a time. Our rate for arranging the first introduction is $95. This service is only for women that live in Barranquilla, Colombia and the surrounding areas that are willing to travel to Barranquilla.

Select up to seven Latin ladies who you would like to meet. Email us at your photos and complete our Questionnaire that we'll translate and send to the ladies. Afterwards, we'll tell you which ladies are interested in meeting you. If all seven decline the introduction invitation, you can continue to select alternatives until one Latin lady agrees to meet you. The $95 is for one Latin lady who agrees to meet you because she is interested in you. Since the initial effort requires time on our part, the $95 is not refundable if no one agrees to meet you. However, this has never happened as you may continue to make selections until one does. After the first introduction, additional introductions with other Latin ladies cost $65 per lady. You would pay the $65 after we tell you the lady agrees to meet you and prior to us setting an appointment for you to meet her.

This introduction service is only available to those who use International Introductions’´excellent lodging accommodations in Barranquilla, Colombia for a minimum of seven days. The introductions will take place at or close to your lodging and you will be responsible for the round trip transportation for the Latin ladies who come to meet you. Please provide us your selections well in advance for best results. After you have paid for your lodging, you may then select an unlimited number of Colombian women to meet. All submitted orders are final. However, you may request a modification to your order. All outstanding orders are closed after six months.

Before committing to a trip to Colombia, for $95 you can start the introduction process to see what type of response you would get from up to seven women. For example, if you selected seven Latin ladies and three of them accepted your invitation to meet, your options would include:

1. Book a trip, pay for your lodging, select more women if you like, but do not write to the three women before traveling to Barranquilla, Colombia.

2. Book a trip, pay for your lodging, select more women if you like, and telephone or email the three women before traveling to Barranquilla. You can communicate with them directly or use our email or phone translation service after you pay for the introduction of the other two women. Note that your introduction to the first woman is paid for by your initial $95 payment, but introductions for the other two women would cost an additional $130 ($65 each).

3. Pay for your lodging, leave the exact dates of your visit open until you are ready, select more women if you like, and communicate with the three women before traveling to Barranquilla. You can communicate with them directly or use our email or phone translation service after you pay for the introduction of the other two women.

4. Communicate with the three women using our email translation service after you pay for the introduction of the other two women. You would not have direct access to the women.

Total Price for Service Ordered:

Indicate Your Selections and Negotiated Services:

  First Introduction

  $95 USD

  Additional Introduction

  $65 USD

  Lodging per night

  $100 USD