• Your Latin Wife?
  • Your Latin Bride?
  • Your Latin Wife?
ID Number: 14912
  • Country: Colombia
  • City: Bogota
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Date of Birth: 03/27/2003
  • Age Up To? 50
  • Do You Smoke? No
  • Education: University
  • Access to Internet? Cellular
  • Do You Have Children? No
  • Do You Want Children? Yes
  • Profile Last Updated: 02/25/2023
  • Describe the person you are most interested in meeting?

    A kind, loving, attentive, tolerant person who loves to travel and discover new things.

  • What would someone first notice about you?

    My kindness.

  • How might others best describe you?

    As a fun and very adventurous person.

  • If you could choose the ideal friend, what would they be like?

    Must be fun and want to do mischief with me.

  • Which virtues give you most of your self-confidence?

    My tolerance.

  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

    My stubbornness.

  • What personal habits in others irritate you?


  • What would you like to do that you haven't done?

    Travel the world with a special person.

  • What do you do to stay in shape?


  • What type of work do you do and do you enjoy it?

    I study political science although my passion is fashion design.

  • Your current living situation is?

    With my parents.

  • Is religion a part of your life?


  • What is your favorite outdoor activity?

    Walk in the park.

  • What is your favorite indoor activity?

    Paint oils.

  • What is your favorite type of music?

    I like everything.

  • What type of food do you enjoy the most?

    I like everything.

  • What types of movies do you like best?

    Psychological, horror and romantic.

  • Final comments:

    My future plans are to study fashion design.

  • Your Latin Bride?
  • Your Latin Wife?
  • Your Latin Bride?